Proverbs 11:5-6
5The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright,
But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.
6The righteousness of the upright will deliver them,
But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
-Proverbs 11:5-6
You reap the consequences of your lifestyle. I do find it interesting that those who strive to walk in righteousness find that their righteous decisions make it easier to make more righteous decisions. Walking right leads to right walking. However, those who have developed a lifestyle of wickedness find wickedness easy to walk into. Respectively, the actions lead to suitable consequences.
Let's break this down into easy to apply terms. If someone decides to start eating healthy, they will realize they have more energy. Since they are already on the pathway of taking care of their health, they decide they should use that extra energy and go to the gym. The gym tires out their body by a healthy energy expenditure. As such, they decide to go to bed a little earlier. The next morning, they wake up more vibrant and are able to perform their day to day duties more sufficiently and, all together, lives a healthier lifestyle. It begins from one good decision, but it leads into more good decisions.
Unfortunately, the alternative is true. Rather than deciding to eat healthy, let's take this same individual and say they just eat junk food. Odds are, they will not have the energy to go to the gym, and even if they do, they will tire out before any real benefit is made. Due to many of the preservatives and sugars in junk food, it is harder to get to sleep early and the quality of sleep diminishes. This individual wakes up tired and worn out and can't get their lifestyle together. Again, one poor choice leads to poorer choices. And the consequences are just.
This applies to our lives in the Lord. If you choose to walk in righteousness, you will reap the fruit of righteousness. Making that choice to get into the word in the morning may lead you to consider praying on your car ride to work. That may motivate you to pray throughout the day. Rather than scrolling on social media on your down time, you may choose to read a psalm or proverb. When someone does wrong by you, instead of retaliating you may instead respond in gentleness. It all stems from walking righteously. So walk in righteousness and reap that righteous reward.
But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.
6The righteousness of the upright will deliver them,
But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
-Proverbs 11:5-6
You reap the consequences of your lifestyle. I do find it interesting that those who strive to walk in righteousness find that their righteous decisions make it easier to make more righteous decisions. Walking right leads to right walking. However, those who have developed a lifestyle of wickedness find wickedness easy to walk into. Respectively, the actions lead to suitable consequences.
Let's break this down into easy to apply terms. If someone decides to start eating healthy, they will realize they have more energy. Since they are already on the pathway of taking care of their health, they decide they should use that extra energy and go to the gym. The gym tires out their body by a healthy energy expenditure. As such, they decide to go to bed a little earlier. The next morning, they wake up more vibrant and are able to perform their day to day duties more sufficiently and, all together, lives a healthier lifestyle. It begins from one good decision, but it leads into more good decisions.
Unfortunately, the alternative is true. Rather than deciding to eat healthy, let's take this same individual and say they just eat junk food. Odds are, they will not have the energy to go to the gym, and even if they do, they will tire out before any real benefit is made. Due to many of the preservatives and sugars in junk food, it is harder to get to sleep early and the quality of sleep diminishes. This individual wakes up tired and worn out and can't get their lifestyle together. Again, one poor choice leads to poorer choices. And the consequences are just.
This applies to our lives in the Lord. If you choose to walk in righteousness, you will reap the fruit of righteousness. Making that choice to get into the word in the morning may lead you to consider praying on your car ride to work. That may motivate you to pray throughout the day. Rather than scrolling on social media on your down time, you may choose to read a psalm or proverb. When someone does wrong by you, instead of retaliating you may instead respond in gentleness. It all stems from walking righteously. So walk in righteousness and reap that righteous reward.
Posted in Proverbs
Proverbs 27:5Proverbs 27:6Proverbs 27:7Proverbs 27:8Proverbs 27:9Proverbs 27:10Proverbs 27:11Proverbs 27:12Proverbs 27:13Proverbs 27:14Proverbs 27:15-16Proverbs 27:17Proverbs 27:18Proverbs 27:19Proverbs 27:20Proverbs 27:21Proverbs 27:22Proverbs 27:23Proverbs 27:24Proverbs 27:25-27Proverbs 28:1Proverbs 28:2Proverbs 28:3Proverbs 28:4Proverbs 28:5Proverbs 28:6Proverbs 28:7-8Proverbs 28:9Proverbs 28:10Proverbs 28:11Proverbs 28:12
Proverbs 28:13Proverbs 28:14Proverbs 28:15Proverbs 28:16Proverbs 28:17Proverbs 28:18Proverbs 28:19Proverbs 28:20Proverbs 28:21Proverbs 28:22Proverbs 28:23Proverbs 28:24Proverbs 28:25Proverbs 28:26Proverbs 28:27Proverbs 28:28Proverbs 29:1Proverbs 29:2Proverbs 29:3Proverbs 29:4Proverbs 29:5Proverbs 29:6Proverbs 29:7Proverbs 29:8Proverbs 29:9Proverbs 29:10Proverbs 29:11
Proverbs 11:23Proverbs 11:24-26Proverbs 11:27Proverbs 11:28Proverbs 11:29Proverbs 11:30Proverbs 11:31Proverbs 12:1Proverbs 12:2Proverbs 12:3Proverbs 12:4Proverbs 12:5-6Proverbs 12:7Proverbs 12:8Proverbs 12:9Proverbs 12:10Proverbs 12:11Proverbs 12:12Proverbs 12:13-14Proverbs 12:15Proverbs 12:16Proverbs 12:17-22Proverbs 12:23Proverbs 12:24Proverbs 12:25Proverbs 12:26Proverbs 12:27Proverbs 12:28Proverbs 13:1Proverbs 13:2-3Proverbs 13:4
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