Proverbs 11:22
22As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
-Proverbs 11:22
Before utilizing this as a clever bible insult against some poor lady, let us break down what the comparison is that is being used here. The ring of gold is clearly being compared to the lovely woman. A ring of gold, no matter where it is placed, still retains the value of being a gold ring. However, in the snout of a swine it is pointless. For the swine cannot appreciate the wonder, the value, or the beauty of the golden ring. So the same becomes of the woman who lacks discretion or good judgment. The value remains that the woman is lovely, just as the ring is golden, but it becomes wasted when discretion is lost. If the loss of discretion is so detrimental, we should strive to maintain good judgment. Dwell in the word of the Lord and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Seek to have wisdom in all things.
So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
-Proverbs 11:22
Before utilizing this as a clever bible insult against some poor lady, let us break down what the comparison is that is being used here. The ring of gold is clearly being compared to the lovely woman. A ring of gold, no matter where it is placed, still retains the value of being a gold ring. However, in the snout of a swine it is pointless. For the swine cannot appreciate the wonder, the value, or the beauty of the golden ring. So the same becomes of the woman who lacks discretion or good judgment. The value remains that the woman is lovely, just as the ring is golden, but it becomes wasted when discretion is lost. If the loss of discretion is so detrimental, we should strive to maintain good judgment. Dwell in the word of the Lord and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Seek to have wisdom in all things.
Posted in Proverbs
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