Proverbs 3:29-30

29Do not devise evil against your neighbor,
For he dwells by you for safety’s sake.
30Do not strive with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.
-Proverbs 3:29-30

It is a popular thing to sow discord among one another. Certain groups of people will have nothing to talk about if they are not slandering a brother or sister. Unfortunately, such behavior is rampant in the church. Do not devise or speak evil against one another. We are called to be unified as a people. Not continuously divided. There is no reason to stir up strife just for the entertainment value. The breakdown of trust leads to isolation, isolation leads to sin, and sin without anyone around to bring one out of it leads to unrepentance. Care for your neighbor. Love your brother. Stir one another up for unity in the faith and encourage each other to keep that unity. 
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