Proverbs 29:9

9If a wise man contends with a foolish man,
Whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace.
-Proverbs 29:9

While this may be an unpopular message in the body of Christ, it is indeed wisdom to pick and choose your battles with who to bring correction to. You, in your wisdom, may have the right answer to a situation, but if the fool refuses to hear what you are saying then it is simply a wasted effort. There is no victory to be had in such a conversation. As one who has entertained many of these in times past, you end up walking away upset. If you are not careful, entertaining these conversations can lead you to become foolish in your won approach as well. Wisdom in our speech is not just about what we say, but when and how we choose to say it. May the Lord give us all wisdom to know when we should speak up, and with whom.
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