Proverbs 29:12

12If a ruler pays attention to lies,
All his servants become wicked.
-Proverbs 29:12

Let us really consider what this is saying. We can definitely take this and apply it to the ruler of our lands and it will still hold to the same truth as if we apply it to ourselves. If you walk in deception and listen to lies, will your members not follow in wickedness? Indeed, if you are not heeding truth there is no room for righteousness to dwell. It is the truth that sets free. Truth is a man and that man is Jesus. Should we not have Jesus ruling over our lives with all the truth He brings, we will find ourselves in a bad way. Be good dividers of the word of truth that you may be able to testify against the lie that is spoken of you. Are you struggling with sin? Romans 6 says you are free. Do you think you still belong to the darkness even though you've given yourself to Christ? Ephesians 2 says you have been released from that darkness. Are you stuck with things you have done in the past? 2 Corinthians 5 says the old man is dead and all things are made new. Is your mind stuck wandering into negative spaces all the time? Philippians 4 tells you where it should be and how to get there. You fight lies with truth. So get well acquainted with the truth because the enemy of your soul will devise every lie he can to bring you down.
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