Proverbs 12:7

7The wicked are overthrown and are no more,
But the house of the righteous will stand.
-Proverbs 12:7

One of the most difficult things for my generation to grasp is saving for long term. Most of those in my generation are very bad at investing or taking care of things that will impact their future. Most of us grew up into a world of instant gratification and know very little of anything else. That being said, the nature of instant gratification has impacted the vast majority of us. I think that this has had a dreadful impact on our ability to maintain righteousness and endure in the word. Sin is the epitome of instant gratification. It is an instant pleasure for a temporary effect that fails to accomplish anything meaningful. Righteousness is difficult to maintain and we tend to not see the benefit of it until later in life. When we read verses like the one above, we know that it is best for us to walk in righteousness, but we tend to fail to understand the consequences of our actions. Pursue after righteousness. Learn to be patient in knowing that it will take time to see the fruit of righteous labor.
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