Proverbs 13:10
10 By pride comes nothing but strife,
But with the well-advised is wisdom.
-Proverbs 13:10
Pride prevents growth. Pride prevents learning. Pride prevents holiness. Nothing comes from it but strife. I recently had a conversation with a gentleman who told me that when he was an unbeliever he was so confused on why Christians were obsessed with pride. He saw it as a good thing. That was until he was finally humbled and he realized how important humility was. His pride kept him from growth, but once he was humble, he found himself submitting before the Lord. It takes humility to be wise. A lot of wisdom comes by correction. If we are too prideful to receive correction, how can we grow in wisdom? We are only wise in our own eyes. Grow in humility. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Repent from pride. Strive for humility.
But with the well-advised is wisdom.
-Proverbs 13:10
Pride prevents growth. Pride prevents learning. Pride prevents holiness. Nothing comes from it but strife. I recently had a conversation with a gentleman who told me that when he was an unbeliever he was so confused on why Christians were obsessed with pride. He saw it as a good thing. That was until he was finally humbled and he realized how important humility was. His pride kept him from growth, but once he was humble, he found himself submitting before the Lord. It takes humility to be wise. A lot of wisdom comes by correction. If we are too prideful to receive correction, how can we grow in wisdom? We are only wise in our own eyes. Grow in humility. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Repent from pride. Strive for humility.
Posted in Proverbs
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