Proverbs 16:1

The preparations of the heart belong to man,
But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
-Proverbs 16:1

We have all had those times where we do all that we can do to make our plans happen. Sure we can make plans and strive and prepare, but that does not guarantee anything to happen. Such things ultimately depend upon the Lord. We may think of this as being a relatively small issue, but I do think it shows our attitude toward the Lord. When we entrust our plans to Him, it demonstrates even to ourselves that we do sincerely trust His plans and His will. When we try to exclude God from our plans for whatever reason it may be, we show a lack of faith and trust. There may be things that you are excited for and want to be able to do, but it is foolish to try to do so away from the Lord. Put your whole trust in Him. Even in your plans.
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