Proverbs 21:1

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,
Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
-Proverbs 21:1

We should take confidence in verses like this. It has become more cliché than truth for us to say that God is in control. Do we not see that the Lord is truly Sovereign over all? Can we not put our trust in the Lord even when it is a leader that we do not trust? Or can we not fathom the idea that the Lord would allow a wicked leader to be in power? Consider Israel and Judah and the many wicked leaders they had over them. We see a theme throughout Scripture of leadership being a form of judgment. We also see it as being a method with which the people of God were corrected. What would happen if, instead of complaining, we walked in obedience to how the Lord tells us to interact with out leaders? Pray for them. Encourage other believers to do the same. Have trust in the Lord. Be sincere in desiring wisdom for our leaders. When you pray, remember that they are in the hands of the Lord. Have faith and do not take confidence in men. Keep your confidence in the Lord.
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