Proverbs 13:20

20He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
-Proverbs 13:20

You are a reflection of those that you spend your time with most. If you do not spend much time with people, then you are a reflection of what you spend your time on most. Our lives are lives of investment. Those that we spend our time investing into are likewise investing into us. If you had two men on a hill, one above the other, and each are trying to pull one another, who will win? The one who is below will have a much easier time pulling down the one above than vice versa. If you make your company those of fools, do not be surprised when you yourself become a fool. But if you make your company with the wise, do not be surprised if you see that you grow, mature, and become wise yourself. Be wary of the company you keep and choose who or what you spend your time with carefully.
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