Proverbs 21:13

    13      Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor
    Will also cry himself and not be heard.
-Proverbs 21:13

We see this kind of imagery recurrent throughout Scripture. With the same measure you used it will be used back to you. You reap what you sow. If you do not forgive, neither will you be forgiven. This understanding is vital for us to understand the reality of doing unto others as we would have done unto us. For those who are truly in need, what attitude would you hope others would take towards you if you were in that same situation? Of course we need to be wise with how we help those in need, but when one is truly in need and we have the means to help, it is shameful for us to turn ourselves away in our greed and pride. Let us give cheerfully and generously. Let us remember the state in which the Lord found us. You may have had wealth when you got born again, but do not forget that you were found destitute, blind, and naked. You had nothing to offer and the Lord gave you everything. Let us love with that safe love.
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