Psalm 21
1 The king shall have joy in Your strength, O LORD;
And in Your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!
2 You have given him his heart’s desire,
And have not withheld the request of his lips.
3 For You meet him with the blessings of goodness;
You set a crown of pure gold upon his head.
4 He asked life from You, and You gave it to him—
Length of days forever and ever.
5 His glory is great in Your salvation;
Honor and majesty You have placed upon him.
6 For You have made him most blessed forever;
You have made him exceedingly glad with Your presence.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD,
And through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved.
8 Your hand will find all Your enemies;
Your right hand will find those who hate You.
9 You shall make them as a fiery oven in the time of Your anger;
The LORD shall swallow them up in His wrath,
And the fire shall devour them.
10 Their offspring You shall destroy from the earth,
And their descendants from among the sons of men.
11 For they intended evil against You;
They devised a plot which they are not able to perform.
12 Therefore You will make them turn their back;
You will make ready Your arrows on Your string toward their faces.
13 Be exalted, O LORD, in Your own strength!
We will sing and praise Your power.
-Psalm 21
Not too long ago I was struggling through a bit of anxiety. I was not sure where it was coming from or why it was there, but I knew I felt anxious. I had shared this with some fellow believers and we took it to the Lord in prayer. A few days go by and I am asked how things are going with my anxiety. To my own bafflement I had realized that I had not had any anxiety since that point. Somehow I had forgotten the request I brought before the Lord and therefore did not go in praise to the mighty work the Lord had accomplished.
Do you remember the victories of the Lord in your life? It never ceases to amaze me at how quick I can move past issues once they have been resolved and immediately forget they were ever a thing. This poses a great difficulty to me when it comes to praising the Lord for the victories He brings me through. I am convinced of this being a human condition kind of issue since it seemed Israel and many of the kings needed regular reminders set up to recognize what the Lord had done.
This Psalm is a recognition of victory in the Lord. David begins first by joyfully recognizing the strength of the Lord and His salvation as well. The entire rest of the psalm follows this same tone of rejoicing in the Lord's strength and His salvation. Apart from the praise and recognition of victory that the Lord brings, there really is no petition brought before the Lord. Let us take some time to practice remembering victory that the Lord has given as well as offering praise to Him for that. Set aside some time today just for rejoicing in the Lord and enjoying His presence. Train your mind to remember to bring praise before the Lord.
Proverbs 27:5Proverbs 27:6Proverbs 27:7Proverbs 27:8Proverbs 27:9Proverbs 27:10Proverbs 27:11Proverbs 27:12Proverbs 27:13Proverbs 27:14Proverbs 27:15-16Proverbs 27:17Proverbs 27:18Proverbs 27:19Proverbs 27:20Proverbs 27:21Proverbs 27:22Proverbs 27:23Proverbs 27:24Proverbs 27:25-27Proverbs 28:1Proverbs 28:2Proverbs 28:3Proverbs 28:4Proverbs 28:5Proverbs 28:6Proverbs 28:7-8Proverbs 28:9Proverbs 28:10Proverbs 28:11Proverbs 28:12
Proverbs 28:13Proverbs 28:14Proverbs 28:15Proverbs 28:16Proverbs 28:17Proverbs 28:18Proverbs 28:19Proverbs 28:20Proverbs 28:21Proverbs 28:22Proverbs 28:23Proverbs 28:24Proverbs 28:25Proverbs 28:26Proverbs 28:27Proverbs 28:28Proverbs 29:1Proverbs 29:2Proverbs 29:3Proverbs 29:4Proverbs 29:5Proverbs 29:6
Proverbs 11:23Proverbs 11:24-26Proverbs 11:27Proverbs 11:28Proverbs 11:29Proverbs 11:30Proverbs 11:31Proverbs 12:1Proverbs 12:2Proverbs 12:3Proverbs 12:4Proverbs 12:5-6Proverbs 12:7Proverbs 12:8Proverbs 12:9Proverbs 12:10Proverbs 12:11Proverbs 12:12Proverbs 12:13-14Proverbs 12:15Proverbs 12:16Proverbs 12:17-22Proverbs 12:23Proverbs 12:24Proverbs 12:25Proverbs 12:26Proverbs 12:27Proverbs 12:28Proverbs 13:1Proverbs 13:2-3Proverbs 13:4
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