Psalm 101:5

5Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor,
Him I will destroy;
The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart,
Him I will not endure.
-Psalm 101:5

The perspective changes here from David to the Lord. This is not David saying that he will destroy the slanderer, but the Lord. Such passages we should take very seriously. Slander is really looked down upon by the Lord. He hates it. We must watch our words very carefully and walk with wisdom.

Likewise, the Lord also hates pride. The one with a haughty look and a proud heart is one that the Lord resists. However, God gives grace to the humble, and to the one who draws near to Him, He will draw near too.

Beware pride and be cautious with your words. Humble yourself before the Lord and speak that which is necessary for edification.
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