Psalm 106:2-3

2Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord?
Who can declare all His praise?
3Blessed are those who keep justice,
And he who does righteousness at all times!
-Psalm 106:2-3

Have you ever tried to recount every work that the Lord has done? Have you ever tried to recount everything He has done in your life? Have you tried to recount everything He has done in Scripture? How about everything He has done in the Old Testament? Have you tried giving praise for every work that the Lord has done in Genesis? Let's consider even giving praise for every work He has done in creation.

Even as we have narrowed down the parameters of the extent to which we can praise, I find this verse still holds its ground. Who can utter His acts and declare all His praise? The fact remains that the depth of the Lord's works makes it near impossible to do such a task. When presented with such a challenge I find within myself a certain shame at those times where I am scrounging for something to give praise for. There is infinitely more of the Lord than I have the words to give. The rightful course is as this verse follows. Who can utter al His praise? Evidently not anyone of us. As words amount to little, I will then live a life of praise to the Lord. I will walk in righteousness as a response to His goodness. Praise the Lord!
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