Psalm 118:22-23

22The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
23This was the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
-Psalm 118:22-23

We see this referenced a few times throughout the New Testament. Evidently, the New Testament writers understood that this was speaking of Jesus all along. There is something in this that is very personal and human that then turns to be more transcendent. Jesus experienced rejection. He experienced it far more and to a far more drastic extent than any of us. Yet, by the Lord He was then exalted. Interestingly enough, the rejection was brought forth by the Lord. In this humbling, we see the Lord exalting. Through this rejection, we see the gate of salvation. Yes we experience rejection in our lives. We are promised rejection on the basis of our faith. We ought not to be surprised by this fact, but should rejoice that we can partake of the sufferings of Christ in this age. In our humbling, the Lord exalts us. Continue to trust in the Lord and set Him before you in all things. Praise the Lord on high! Do not be dismayed by rejection. Be encouraged by the Lord's acceptance.
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