Psalm 119 - Shin

161Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.
162I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.
163I hate and abhor lying,
But I love Your law.
164Seven times a day I praise You,
Because of Your righteous judgments.
165Great peace have those who love Your law,
And nothing causes them to stumble.
166Lord, I hope for Your salvation,
And I do Your commandments.
167My soul keeps Your testimonies,
And I love them exceedingly.
168I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies,
For all my ways are before You.
-Psalm 119:161-168

When you are devoted whole heartedly to the Word of God, you become immoveable at the things of this world. Between persecution , deceit, or anything that would cause us to stumble, we can stand firm on this foundation that has been laid before us. For something so sound, how can we respond but in obedience? For something so firm to stand on, how can we answer but in love? Stand mightily upon the Word of God find yourself unshakeable. Put your entire trust in Him alone for He never fails. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
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