Psalm 143:1-6
1Hear my prayer, O Lord,
Give ear to my supplications!
In Your faithfulness answer me,
And in Your righteousness.
2Do not enter into judgment with Your servant,
For in Your sight no one living is righteous.
3For the enemy has persecuted my soul;
He has crushed my life to the ground;
He has made me dwell in darkness,
Like those who have long been dead.
4Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me;
My heart within me is distressed.
5I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all Your works;
I muse on the work of Your hands.
6I spread out my hands to You;
My soul longs for You like a thirsty land.
-Psalm 143:1-6
Verses 5-6 need to be our response when we are living in situations like verses 1-4. So many of Israel's issues stemmed from forgetting the Lord their God. When we remember what the Lord has done, and meditate on His works and His word, we grow in our faith and learn to trust the Lord not matter the circumstance. Similar to Abraham, contrary to hope, in hope we can believe. If we are not acquainting ourselves with the faithfulness of God, we grow in doubt. That doubt leads to despair, and despair to hopelessness. Jeremiah 18 shows that hopelessness leads to doing what is right in your own sight. Do not forget the Lord your God. Doing so is a downward spiral that leaves you crippled when life hits. Meditate on His works. Remain in awe at Him.
Give ear to my supplications!
In Your faithfulness answer me,
And in Your righteousness.
2Do not enter into judgment with Your servant,
For in Your sight no one living is righteous.
3For the enemy has persecuted my soul;
He has crushed my life to the ground;
He has made me dwell in darkness,
Like those who have long been dead.
4Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me;
My heart within me is distressed.
5I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all Your works;
I muse on the work of Your hands.
6I spread out my hands to You;
My soul longs for You like a thirsty land.
-Psalm 143:1-6
Verses 5-6 need to be our response when we are living in situations like verses 1-4. So many of Israel's issues stemmed from forgetting the Lord their God. When we remember what the Lord has done, and meditate on His works and His word, we grow in our faith and learn to trust the Lord not matter the circumstance. Similar to Abraham, contrary to hope, in hope we can believe. If we are not acquainting ourselves with the faithfulness of God, we grow in doubt. That doubt leads to despair, and despair to hopelessness. Jeremiah 18 shows that hopelessness leads to doing what is right in your own sight. Do not forget the Lord your God. Doing so is a downward spiral that leaves you crippled when life hits. Meditate on His works. Remain in awe at Him.
Posted in Psalms
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