Psalm 147:1-6

1Praise the Lord!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.
2The Lord builds up Jerusalem;
He gathers together the outcasts of Israel.
3He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds.
4He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name.
5Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite.
6The Lord lifts up the humble;
He casts the wicked down to the ground.
-Psalm 147:1-6

Practicing thankfulness is genuinely healthy. It improves your ability to rest, supports immunity, and helps your moods overall. Studies have shown that genuine thankfulness combats depression, anxiety, and even chronic pain. While there are physical benefits, that is not why we praise. I share just to point out that it is even physically good for us to sing praises to our God. More importantly, it spiritually edifies us. Above even that, it fulfills our responsibility to glorify the Lord.

Praise the Lord who heals our broken hearts and binds our wounds! Praise the Lord who knows all things in such depths that He has called the stars by names. Surely He sees what you have gone through. Even as you think of how magnificent His power is, it brings you to a place of awe and praise. Even if you do not feel like giving praise today, I encourage you to set aside some time and give praise to the Lord. It is good, pleasant, and beautiful.
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