Proverbs 10:18

18Whoever hides hatred has lying lips,
And whoever spreads slander is a fool.
-Proverbs 10:18

I am sure we have all heard that one person who is talking about someone behind there back, but then the person they were talking about shows up and they act as though they're best friends. The slander is present, and the concealing of hatred is behind lying lips. Now, the solution here is not for us to simply be bold about whom we hate. It is for a change of heart. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are also called to truth, not to lies. Finally, we are called, not to spread slander, but to spread the gospel.

We look out in our world today and recognize that common sense is not very common. We imagine that as long as you do what you are supposed to do, you will naturally have common sense. In a very similar sense, if you walk out what Scripture is saying, many of these proverbs come together on their own. If our heart is properly set on the Lord, what cause would we have to hate, lie, and slander another? There is no reason. So let us walk diligently in our faith.
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