Proverbs 13:24

24He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
-Proverbs 13:24

So many of the issues that we see in our culture, not just as a world, but even as the Church, can be brought down to issues in discipline. Somehow the world has sold the idea that the Church bought that it is wrong to correct or rebuke. They have sold the idea that chastening our children is hating them. Scripture says the alternative. The one who does not discipline their child hates that child. To love your children is to discipline with haste. You do not want to simply react out of anger, but you do not want to let it slide.

As I am growing as a new parent myself, there is another side to this token that has not been as widely stated. The problem with disciplining children is that it requires the parents themselves to have discipline. If the parents are undisciplined in their chastising of their children, then it fails to happen or fails to succeed because of inconsistency. What happens when undisciplined parents are now responsible for disciplining? The result is the world we have now. Grow in the discipline of disciplining.
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