Proverbs 16:10

10Divination is on the lips of the king;
His mouth must not transgress in judgment.
-Proverbs 16:10

The position of a king is one that required a lot of wisdom. In fact, kingship was often seen as a position instated by the Lord. Scripture even agrees with this fact. With that being the case, it is really important that kings do not use their position for evil. So how does this translate to us who are not kings? Well first off, I think it is amazing that the wisdom that would be given to kings is the same wisdom we need for our lives. As for application, we should not use positions of authority for sin. If you are a manager, a father, a mother, a counselor, or whatever it may be, our positions are used for righteousness. We all carry a measure of influence. Let us use the influence we have for the sake of Christ and reflecting His leadership in our lives.
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