Proverbs 16:17

17The highway of the upright is to depart from evil;
He who keeps his way preserves his soul.
-Proverbs 16:17

The road that is taken by the righteous is one that abandons wickedness. There have been many self-proclaimed believers that I have seen that have flocked to be as close to wickedness as they can without actually sinning. The unfortunate part of this is that their hearts are already set on rebellion. The intent of the righteous is to walk in righteousness, not to see how close they can get to wickedness without being wicked themselves. Depart therefore of wickedness! Keep your way in step with the Lord your God! Your soul will be preserved. Run to that which is righteous. Delight in holiness. Become excited with purity. Love that which the Lord loves and hate what he hates. This is the way of the believer.
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