Proverbs 16:23

23The heart of the wise teaches his mouth,
And adds learning to his lips.
-Proverbs 16:23

We see a similarity here with James who says that whoever bridles his tongue is a perfect man. Wisdom does not just carry to our conduct and how we live our lives. It also affects our speech. The wise pays attention to the things they say and trains their lips to speak what is right. Wisdom gives the discernment as to simply speaking the truth and speaking the truth in love. It gives the discernment as to knowing when to have compassion or pull one out of the fire hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. The wise teach their lips to speak what is necessary for proper edification. This does not only happen as a byproduct of wisdom, but the wise take the intentionality to train their lips to speak what is right. If, then, you have wisdom, take account of what it is that you speak and train yourself to speak in righteousness.
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