Proverbs 17:8

8A present is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor;
Wherever he turns, he prospers.
-Proverbs 17:8

When it comes to passages like this, it is important to remember that many Proverbs are simply stating things as fact and are not necessarily endorsing them. This particular Proverb has to do with bribery and the self-benefit a bribe can carry. Later in Proverbs 17 as well as in many other places in Scripture, there is warning of bribery being a sin. That being stated, Solomon does highlight the fact that it is effective.

What should we then make of this? Our trust is not in man nor in means of deceiving man. Our trust is in the way of the Lord. We must lean upon Him for His guidance and His wisdom as well as His favor. We do not depend upon bribes to make our way in this world.
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