Proverbs 17:20
20He who has a deceitful heart finds no good,
And he who has a perverse tongue falls into evil.
-Proverbs 17:20
We must remember that it is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks. I have found many believers who give excuse to their crass and crude speech by way of many outlets. Several will blame it upon the environment that they are around. More will attribute it to their upbringing. And others upon their emotional condition at that point due to being hangry or tired or the like. Seldom have I found any who are willing to assign the blame on the condition of their heart. A deceitful heart comes before perverse lips. Delight in crude humor comes before crude jokes. Perversity of our mouths is always preceded by a love for something other than the Lord. We would do well to see our speech as a way in which we measure where we are. We are told for our speech to be seasoned with salt. If our speech reflects something other than that, we should do some serious meditation upon the Word of God and be invested in prayer with the Lord. May the Lord reveal it to you in that time. Let us not have perverse hearts that cause perverse language, but may our hearts be pure as the Lord has made us to be.
And he who has a perverse tongue falls into evil.
-Proverbs 17:20
We must remember that it is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks. I have found many believers who give excuse to their crass and crude speech by way of many outlets. Several will blame it upon the environment that they are around. More will attribute it to their upbringing. And others upon their emotional condition at that point due to being hangry or tired or the like. Seldom have I found any who are willing to assign the blame on the condition of their heart. A deceitful heart comes before perverse lips. Delight in crude humor comes before crude jokes. Perversity of our mouths is always preceded by a love for something other than the Lord. We would do well to see our speech as a way in which we measure where we are. We are told for our speech to be seasoned with salt. If our speech reflects something other than that, we should do some serious meditation upon the Word of God and be invested in prayer with the Lord. May the Lord reveal it to you in that time. Let us not have perverse hearts that cause perverse language, but may our hearts be pure as the Lord has made us to be.
Posted in Proverbs
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