Proverbs 17:22

22A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.
-Proverbs 17:22

Sometimes life does what life does and it likes to beat us up. Whether it is just a slew of minor inconveniences or major issues, there are things in life that we cannot change and they just happen. We have all heard the phrases like, "When it rains it pours." It can be easy to get beat up by our circumstances. Though it is important to remember, especially in being in the Lord,  that those circumstances do not have to define our attitude through it. My dad would often tell me, "If you can't change the circumstance, change your attitude about it." Joy is not something that will just happen circumstantially. It is something that you have to fight for. The end result of it is truly good. It is like medicine for the soul. So fight for joy, which is found in the Lord alone. Seek Him diligently and delight yourself in Him. As you walk in love and obedience to Him, joy will be alongside you.
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