Proverbs 18:17

17The first one to plead his cause seems right,
Until his neighbor comes and examines him.
-Proverbs 18:17

We live in a culture that thrives off of this mentality. Due to the internet, widespread, misinformed, and uneducated opinions have maneuvered their way into the homes and minds of many of us. As they share their thoughts openly and have no one there to challenge it, many of these seem like they may have good arguments behind them. However, as soon as it is truly scrutinized, the house of cards falls apart. So here is the challenge for you: do not believe everything you read on the internet. This is old fashioned advice, I know. Test everything. Be as the Bereans were and try it by the Word of God. Let us do this that we would not be deceived. Hold fast to truth.
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