Proverbs 19:14

14Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers,
But a prudent wife is from the Lord.
-Proverbs 19:14

We may acquire great gain in fiscal means from inheritance. We may from other means as well. This verse is not intending to shine light on that as much as it is upon the value of a godly wife. Houses and riches are not comparable to having a spouse that is sold out for the Lord. We have many times discussed the true value of things like wisdom, godliness, and understanding being worth more than gold or silver. The same remains for having a God-honoring spouse. What worth or value can you place on such a thing? You may struggle through your life fiscally, both in having or not having. Yet having a godly spouse to go through the many trials of life with can make all the difference. All in all, let us place value properly in life. It is not simply found in fiscal means. Invest into the relationships you have, especially with your spouse. Pray for one another. Uplift each other in righteousness and in truth.
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