Proverbs 20:2

2The wrath of a king is like the roaring of a lion;
Whoever provokes him to anger sins against his own life.
-Proverbs 20:2

In the days of kings it was understood that you did not want to provoke the king to wrath. Doing so could bear severe and tragic consequences. Modern day, this is a little more amiss to us. However, there is a King that has a great wrath, and we do not want to provoke His anger. That King is the Lord. Ephesians and Colossians both highlight the reality that the wrath of God abides upon the sons of disobedience. So what is it that provokes our King's wrath? It is none other than disobedience. Let us be fervent in walking in faith and by the Spirit that we would not walk disobediently to the Lord. Honor your King the Lord in the way you conduct yourself. 
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