Proverbs 20:16

Take the garment of one who is surety for a stranger,
And hold it as a pledge when it is for a seductress.
-Proverbs 20:16

The proverbs do operate in a "this is usually true but not always" kind of way. When it comes to the issue of debt, it is easy to get ourselves caught up in being habitual borrowers. Our modern economy is built around that in many ways. We do not want our lives to be lives lived in debt. Resources like Dave Ramsey can be a useful resource for those seeking to be out of debt. Some debt may be necessary, such as a home loan, but we should not make debt the source of our finances. There is always a risk in borrowing. This is what the proverbs warns of. The builder who builds must first count the cost. If you are going into debt, consider it cautiously. Remember you are not an owner of your finances. You are managing that which the Lord has given you.
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