Proverbs 20:27

    27      The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD,
    Searching all the inner depths of his heart.
-Proverbs 20:27

As we have been given the Spirit of God, how much more so do we have the ability to search the depths of our heart. We have the Light of the World abiding within us. Let us search carefully. Prayerfully sift through yourself all that is righteous and all that is not aligned with the Lord. Sincerely consider your own ways and whether or not it is found to be well pleasing to the Lord. Pair this together with Scripture reading as that is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Comb through your life. Let that which the Lord delights in remain, and let all else go. Search with wisdom and leave no stone unturned. We are designed to be well-pleasing to the Lord. So let us course correct and be faithful to He who is the Faithful and True.
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