Proverbs 21:6

6Getting treasures by a lying tongue
Is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death.
-Proverbs 21:6

We must realize that lying is not a good way to progress through life. We need to learn to deal with difficult truths, both in sharing them and in receiving them. There are times where is may seem that lying is victimless, but when we are those who are to operate in truth, what does that make of us? Some of us may be so deep into a lie that even we believe it at this point. What gain can a lie attain that truth will not? The cost of the lie is more than you can afford. It took the blood of Jesus to pay that one. The believer is to operate in truth. Whether we gain or we lose, let it be by truth that we do. Within that, we will stand clean before the Lord.
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