Proverbs 21:7

7The violence of the wicked will destroy them,
Because they refuse to do justice.
-Proverbs 21:7

Wickedness becomes a consequence of itself, just as righteousness becomes a reward of itself. Wickedness leads to more wickedness, and at its end is death. The path that the wicked lead bears a just consequence. They often do not even realize it is by their own actions. I recently watched a string of court case reactions to various sentencing and found it intriguing how many believed their actions would not catch up with them. Even if one is skillful in avoiding consequences here on earth, they will never escape the Lord. The end of one's deeds are brought into question. Those who remain in wickedness will find their end in destruction. So let us then cling to righteousness. Spread the gospel and share how others can be freed of their own wickedness. Delight in the Lord and let Him be your lead through every decision. Let Him be the One who gives you the wisdom you need for every moment of every day.
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