Proverbs 21:18

18The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous,
And the unfaithful for the upright.
-Proverbs 21:18

This is a day the believer can look forward to. Many have taken to the claim that God is unjust for allowing the wicked to have their way with the righteous and rule over them. Many of the psalmists have struggled with this same issue. That is until they come to the realization that we must come to. The Lord will execute justice in the end. Every righteous man will receive a just reward and every wicked man a just punishment. Do not fret at how the wicked seems to get by free. The Lord, who has eyes of fire, sees through every work and judges every thought, word, and deed. They will not escape Him. Understanding this, do not take to wicked means of gain. Continue to live in righteousness.
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