Proverbs 21:21

21He who follows righteousness and mercy
Finds life, righteousness and honor.
-Proverbs 21:21

The pursuit of righteousness and mercy should bring us before the throne of God. The reality of these things is that we do not find them outside of the source. Once we go to the source and follow after it, we find the result of those things. The end of righteousness is life. Righteousness produces more righteousness. Honor follows in its path. Similarly, all the same is found in mercy. After all, Jesus emphasizes that the Lord desires mercy, not sacrifice. Indeed there is sacrifice to be had, but it is not at the expense of mercy. Mercy must be at the foremost. As we walk in righteousness and emulate the Lord in His mercy, we find the rewards of those things. So let us be imitators of God and walk in love as He has called us.
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