Proverbs 22:6

6      Train up a child in the way he should go,
    And when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6

Here we have a verse that we as parents often cling to in the hopes that this is speaking of our child. This is a great verse to use for an example of when the Proverbs show how something works most of the time, but not always. Some of us may do everything right and still our child, out of their own freewill, may turn to their own path. Rather than going through and addressing that through this devotion, I want to give tools on how to further succeed as a parent in this.

A flaw I have seen many parents do in this is that they are trying to lead their child in a place they have not gone themselves. If you want to be the one training the child, you must know what you're training them in. You must have that discipline. If you are trying to show the way they should go, you should know the way well enough to be able to show them. WE cannot give what we do not have and demonstrate what we do not know. We cannot expect our child to become a diligent student of the word if we are not giving that example. If you want your child to have the best chance at knowing the way to go, you need to be the example for them to look up to. Foster a good relationship with them and demonstrate what a healthy relationship with the Lord looks like.

You may walk this out perfectly, as stated before, and still your child may go along their own way. Do not defeat yourself too early though. Look at your own life and the example you set for your children. Do they see you pray? Do they see you study the Word? Do they see the positive results of those things? Are you obedient to the Lord? Are you patient, loving and good at discipline? We must be prepared to walk the way that we are instructing our children to go. Through it all, be certain that you are praying for them. It is ultimately the Lord who will draw them in. Amen. 
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