Proverbs 22:14

14The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit;
He who is abhorred by the Lord will fall there.
-Proverbs 22:14

It is important to remember the depth of what is being talked about with the immoral woman when we read these passages. This is a theme that plays throughout Scripture, and especially in the Proverbs. The immoral woman is the one who leads astray. The mouth of the immoral woman is that which allures to destroy. Her words are the bait on the hook at leads to death. And so it is important for one who is growing in wisdom to realize that her promises are in vain. The result is that the foolish will fall into her pit. It is those that ultimately reject the Lord that will meet their end by her. Knowing this, cling and hold fast to the Lord. Grow more and more in wisdom from the Lord. Seek Him in prayer, fasting, and in the Word. Keep yourself from her grasp.
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