Proverbs 22:26-27
26Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge,
One of those who is surety for debts;
27If you have nothing with which to pay,
Why should he take away your bed from under you?
-Proverbs 22:26-27
The credit card can most definitely get us into a world of trouble. Debt can most definitely be a huge hinderance in our lives. We should be those who live within our means. There is no necessity for us to live lavish lifestyles and it is absolutely not worth going into debt over. The question we should ask ourselves is whether or not the Lord is truly enough for us. If He is, then why go into debt over something so lavish? Pray and seek the Lord for wisdom in your finances. If things are tight, seek for wisdom on what to cut off or otherwise that the Lord would provide in mighty ways. Do not hasten to put yourself in debt.
One of those who is surety for debts;
27If you have nothing with which to pay,
Why should he take away your bed from under you?
-Proverbs 22:26-27
The credit card can most definitely get us into a world of trouble. Debt can most definitely be a huge hinderance in our lives. We should be those who live within our means. There is no necessity for us to live lavish lifestyles and it is absolutely not worth going into debt over. The question we should ask ourselves is whether or not the Lord is truly enough for us. If He is, then why go into debt over something so lavish? Pray and seek the Lord for wisdom in your finances. If things are tight, seek for wisdom on what to cut off or otherwise that the Lord would provide in mighty ways. Do not hasten to put yourself in debt.
Posted in Proverbs
Proverbs 27:5Proverbs 27:6Proverbs 27:7Proverbs 27:8Proverbs 27:9Proverbs 27:10Proverbs 27:11Proverbs 27:12Proverbs 27:13Proverbs 27:14Proverbs 27:15-16Proverbs 27:17Proverbs 27:18Proverbs 27:19Proverbs 27:20Proverbs 27:21Proverbs 27:22Proverbs 27:23Proverbs 27:24Proverbs 27:25-27Proverbs 28:1Proverbs 28:2Proverbs 28:3Proverbs 28:4Proverbs 28:5Proverbs 28:6Proverbs 28:7-8Proverbs 28:9Proverbs 28:10Proverbs 28:11Proverbs 28:12
Proverbs 28:13Proverbs 28:14Proverbs 28:15Proverbs 28:16Proverbs 28:17Proverbs 28:18Proverbs 28:19Proverbs 28:20Proverbs 28:21Proverbs 28:22Proverbs 28:23Proverbs 28:24Proverbs 28:25Proverbs 28:26Proverbs 28:27Proverbs 28:28Proverbs 29:1Proverbs 29:2Proverbs 29:3Proverbs 29:4Proverbs 29:5Proverbs 29:6Proverbs 29:7
Proverbs 11:23Proverbs 11:24-26Proverbs 11:27Proverbs 11:28Proverbs 11:29Proverbs 11:30Proverbs 11:31Proverbs 12:1Proverbs 12:2Proverbs 12:3Proverbs 12:4Proverbs 12:5-6Proverbs 12:7Proverbs 12:8Proverbs 12:9Proverbs 12:10Proverbs 12:11Proverbs 12:12Proverbs 12:13-14Proverbs 12:15Proverbs 12:16Proverbs 12:17-22Proverbs 12:23Proverbs 12:24Proverbs 12:25Proverbs 12:26Proverbs 12:27Proverbs 12:28Proverbs 13:1Proverbs 13:2-3Proverbs 13:4
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