Proverbs 23:1-3

When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you;
2And put a knife to your throat
If you are a man given to appetite.
3Do not desire his delicacies,
For they are deceptive food.
-Proverbs 23:1-3

We see in many places in Scripture where sitting down and eating a meal with an individual is a declaration of friendship. There is a certain joining together of those who would dine together. The warnings here are layered. The first warning is to be cautious with whom you dwell with. The promises may be high and mighty, but it is still problematic to be unequally yoked. This leads into the next warning of greed and covetousness. You may be enticed to sit with one you should not join with if the promise is great. Alternatively, you may take advantage of one's hospitality who is good and noble. The short of it is that we must weigh our hearts and intentions carefully and be those who are self-disciplined in all we do. Find your contentment in the Lord above all else. I pray that would give you temperance in all things.
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