Proverbs 24:3-4

3      Through wisdom a house is built,
    And by understanding it is established;
    4      By knowledge the rooms are filled
    With all precious and pleasant riches.
-Proverbs 24:3-4

Jesus describes a wise man building his house in a couple of different places. He is the one who builds it upon the rock, so that when the storms come the house stands firm. The man who also counts the cost prior to building is likened to a wise man. Naturally these are certain figures of speech to describe the way the believer should be living. Our lives are to be established upon Jesus, but we would be wise to consider the cost of discipleship. As we grow in understanding of spiritual matters, we become established upon this foundation. As we grow in knowledge concerning the Lord, we become filled and have the ability to distribute. Seek to grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Allow the Lord to have His perfect work in you that you may be established in His way.
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