Proverbs 24:10

10If you faint in the day of adversity,
Your strength is small.
-Proverbs 24:10

This should serve as a warning for us as believers. We know that days of adversity will come. We are told as much by our Lord Jesus Himself. The word used for faint is also one that could be translated as fail or to let go. If we come to adversity and give in to weakness, the evidence shows that our strength is indeed small. So what should we do? Well we know that we need to be strengthened. We will not be able to, in the face of adversity, keep ourselves afloat for long. We need the strength of the Lord to sustain us. So let us prepare for those days of adversity by clinging to the Lord now. If you are in those days now, hasten to the Lord and let Him be your sustenance. 
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