Psalm 109:21-31

21But You, O God the Lord,
Deal with me for Your name’s sake;
Because Your mercy is good, deliver me.
22For I am poor and needy,
And my heart is wounded within me.
23I am gone like a shadow when it lengthens;
I am shaken off like a locust.
24My knees are weak through fasting,
And my flesh is feeble from lack of fatness.
25I also have become a reproach to them;
When they look at me, they shake their heads.
26Help me, O Lord my God!
Oh, save me according to Your mercy,
27That they may know that this is Your hand—
That You, Lord, have done it!
28Let them curse, but You bless;
When they arise, let them be ashamed,
But let Your servant rejoice.
29Let my accusers be clothed with shame,
And let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle.
30I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth;
Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.
31For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor,
To save him from those who condemn him.
-Psalm 109:21-31

In frequent weeks I have examined over my own zeal in my prayer life. Truthfully, I have been many times convicted as I see the zealousness for prayer in Scripture. Too easily can I become distracted with life and prayer becomes an after thought. When I do pray, it becomes brief. The intent shifts from desiring to spend time with the Lord to getting through the prayer. Look in comparison to the zeal of prayer here. He is weakened from intensity in fasting. There is a diligence for meeting with the Lord. There is depth to the cry for help. May we engage with the Lord with that same zeal. When you pray, desire to meet with the Lord and remain in that place. Learn to be comfortable and diligent even in the silence. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
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