Psalm 115:14-18

14May the Lord give you increase more and more,
You and your children.
15May you be blessed by the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
16The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s;
But the earth He has given to the children of men.
17The dead do not praise the Lord,
Nor any who go down into silence.
18But we will bless the Lord
From this time forth and forevermore.
Praise the Lord!
-Psalm 115:14-18

Take the opportunity now while you can to give praise to the Lord. I think of this in the likeness of Paul when he says that now he can partake of the sufferings of Christ. When we have died, our opportunity to engage with the Lord in this life has expired. Remember Jesus' words when he spoke to Thomas and said, "Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed." We have one chance now to be able to receive that blessing. The praise that we can offer here and now is unique in that it is entirely based upon faith and trust in the Lord. So praise Him here and now! Rejoice in Him today.
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