Psalm 118:15-18

15The voice of rejoicing and salvation
Is in the tents of the righteous;
The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
16The right hand of the Lord is exalted;
The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
17I shall not die, but live,
And declare the works of the Lord.
18The Lord has chastened me severely,
But He has not given me over to death.
-Psalm 118:15-18

Who is He who sits at the right hand of God? None other than the Son, Jesus Christ the righteous. It is He who does valiantly. It is He who is exalted. It is He to whom every knee will bow and tongue confess is Lord. It is by this One, at the right hand of God, that we rejoice and have salvation. It is by Him that we do not die, but live and testify of His works. Praise the Lord that He corrects us! Praise God that He convicts and chastens that we may walk in righteousness. Praise the Lord Jesus. Rejoice in Him today.
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