Psalm 119 - Zayin

49Remember the word to Your servant,
Upon which You have caused me to hope.
50This is my comfort in my affliction,
For Your word has given me life.
51The proud have me in great derision,
Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.
52I remembered Your judgments of old, O Lord,
And have comforted myself.
53Indignation has taken hold of me
Because of the wicked, who forsake Your law.
54Your statutes have been my songs
In the house of my pilgrimage.
55I remember Your name in the night, O Lord,
And I keep Your law.
56This has become mine,
Because I kept Your precepts.
-Psalm 119:49-56

It is an unfortunate reality for many that the word of God burdens us. For it should not be a burden, but a comfort. Here we see how the word of God comforts us in times of need. It testifies of hope and gives the message that brings forth life. By it we find ourselves humbled beneath an incredible Master. As the final verse here says, this must become ours. Once we take ownership of this, we find comfort in the judgments of God. We desire to see His justice enacted and trust that He will be righteous and just in what He does. 1 John highlights that His commandments are not burdensome. Do not see the Word as a burden, but take comfort in the hope that it gives.
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