Psalm 144:5-8

5Bow down Your heavens, O Lord, and come down;
Touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.
6Flash forth lightning and scatter them;
Shoot out Your arrows and destroy them.
7Stretch out Your hand from above;
Rescue me and deliver me out of great waters,
From the hand of foreigners,
8Whose mouth speaks lying words,
And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
-Psalm 144:5-8

A lot of the imagery here should strike you. Think of the tower of Babel. They built it and strove to reach the heavens only for the Lord to come down and see what they were doing. Think of Mount Sinai where the Lord touched the mountains and scorched it with His glory. Think of the many battle throughout Scripture where the Lord scattered the enemies of Israel. All the wonders of the Lord are reminiscent of the destruction of wickedness and the revelation of His glory. When we call upon the Lord as our help, we are not calling upon one who is unable. We are calling upon the One whose glory scorches mountain tops, Who comes down from heaven and scatters people, Who single handedly conquers nations. Surely the Lord can deliver us from our great waters. Like Peter as he dropped from walking on water, reach out your hand and cry out to the Lord your God. He is swift to reach out and pull you from the waves. Know who this God is that you cry out too. Have faith in the Lord your God.
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