Psalm 147:7-11

7Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
Sing praises on the harp to our God,
8Who covers the heavens with clouds,
Who prepares rain for the earth,
Who makes grass to grow on the mountains.
9He gives to the beast its food,
And to the young ravens that cry.
10He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.
11The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy.
-Psalm 147:7-11

I have posed the question before, what impresses God? It is not the strength of man. It is not military prowess. It is not political power. The amount of degrees you may have and the amount of money you make matters not. It is not those things that we often hail as our major accolades. Jesus, in His life lived on earth, saw many people and was found to be impressed by only one thing: faith.

The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him. He takes pleasure in those who hope in His mercy. His eyes are set upon the faithful. As His faithful, those who fear the Lord, let us turn to the Lord in praise. Sing with thanksgiving. Worship Him with a steadfast heart. Take pleasure in the Lord and let Him be your cause for rejoicing, for the Lord takes pleasure over you.

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