Proverbs 25:4-5

4Take away the dross from silver,
And it will go to the silversmith for jewelry.
5Take away the wicked from before the king,
And his throne will be established in righteousness.
-Proverbs 25:4-5

I absolutely love the depth of these verses. It goes to show the potential that something has and the value that it can possess. Silver with dross is not worked with. The dross must be removed before the silversmith can do something with it. Tarnished silver does not really sell. Consider for a second that you had your dream car offered to you. The only issue is that the frame is completely rusted. What would your response be? "If only the rust were gone I would love this! If only that which ruins it were not present!" Now consider a man with his wickedness. The Lord looks upon the wicked and sees the reality that without His wickedness, the Lord could dwell among them. How good and amazing is our God that He sent Jesus to remove that stain from us! The dross has been removed from the silver and now we can go to the Silversmith to be crafted as we ought to be. We are in the hands of the Father. Let your wickedness depart from you and draw near to the Lord your God.
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