Proverbs 27:19

19As in water face reflects face,
So a man’s heart reveals the man.
-Proverbs 27:19

Scripture has a lot to say about the condition of our hearts. They reflect who it is we are. It shows where our treasure is, what we care about, and what we truly believe. If you look at the actions and the lifestyle of a man, you can tell a lot about the condition of his heart. Given all the input we have in our lives, it is hard for us to be truly introspective. Take a look at what you invest your time into and it will show you what you truly care about. Are you invested in the Word and in prayer? Are you excited just to get home so you can watch TV? Do you spend all of your effort getting more and more money? What is it that you truly care about? Prayerfully examine yourselves that you may see where you are.
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