Proverbs 28:23

23He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward
Than he who flatters with the tongue.
-Proverbs 28:23

Many have been secure in their sin simply because of the fact that far too many choose the option of flattery over rebuke. We say that it is loving, simply because we are talking nice. What I have found is that we either know how to act kind or we know how to tell the truth. What we miss is the art of speaking the truth in love. We can be kind and gentle but still offer correction and rebuke. We can come as those who are sincere in our love for the Lord and for those that we exhort. For those that we rebuke, they turn from their wicked ways. When they turn away, you have gained a brother. But flattery can only secure them in their wicked ways. Prayerfully consider your speech. Learn to speak the truth in love.
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